twitter: @BailiiStreisand

2022 update: In April, TNA will take responsibility for publishing and archiving of new and old case law. When that happens, will likely cease most operations. Our twitter bots for #SecretCourts etc will hopefully continue. Whether TNA are given, freely, a full and complete case law archive from the current fragments is unclear, but how those archives will be viewed in the future will be substantially defined by the choice they make now.

Cases shouldn't disappear from Bailii unless a judge says so (para 8/9). Even then, they shouldn't disappear without accountability.

Should there be more than a handful of cases on any particular date for a single court, it is likely to be the correction of an administrative error — many of those we detect as legitimate mistakes, but some escape (as of April 2019, we detect far more types of mistakes).

Missing Cases (since 5th April 2014)

This is a free, non-commerical service, run by Sam Smith (@smithsam), using the UK text mining exemptions to UK copyright law. If a case is missing, please talk to the court...